New Way to Win Corporate Transportation Contracts

Corporate shuttle and employee transportation

There's always different ways to win corporate transportation contracts, but the big takeaway is that it needs to be efficient, scalable and provide a return on investment.

In a partnership with an affiliate on Moovs, we were able to secure a corporate shuttle contract with seven easy steps.

I wanted to briefly share the new strategy with all of you:

  1. We started using Crunchbase Pro, a tool that tracks recently funded companies. (anything from Series A to IPO)
  2. We searched companies in software/Computer IT, filtered by location (dense locations are best), size of company greater than 500 employees, and funded within the last 6 months.
  3. We pulled a list of companies matching our criteria, and searched by job titles who are the decision makers (workplace, procurement, facilities, etc.)
  4. We sent an email sequence to 100 companies, of which 10 converted to meetings. Our pitch? Flexible return to work full-time or hybrid from a trusted company.
  5. We used Moovs in our pitch to show QR tracking that passengers can scan and use the driver app to view their driver in real time (they loved this).
  6. The tech-based company signed off  the our Master Service Agreement.
  7. Program starts in Fall, and is estimated at $100K per month, recurring

The process took 2 months to finalize, but the big takeaway was using a new tool to actively search recently funded companies.

These are the companies that have money to spend on employee perks, such as employee transit programs!